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Desertec, le ombre sul grande Sole

Desertec, le ombre sul grande Sole

A giugno l’annuncio che il programma Desertec verrà abbandonato o ampiamente ridiscusso. I mega progetti di fonti rinnovabili, imperniati sulla ricerca del ‘consenso energetico’, sono spesso funzionali allo status quo energetico, soprattutto se gestiti con mentalità colonialista e centralizzata. Sviluppare le rinnovabili significa tenere in conto anche aspetti sociali e migliorare l’economia regionale.

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Una bomba climatica sotto l’artico

Una bomba climatica sotto l’artico

C’è una bomba che ticchetta sotto ai ghiacci dell’artico. Giacimenti di idrati di metano intrappolati che, quando con lo scioglimento del permafrost finiranno in atmosfera, avranno un effetto micidiale per il global warming. Potrebbero causare infatti impatti per un danno economico paragonabile all’intero prodotto interno lordo mondiale. Se il Pil del pianeta nel 2012 è stato di 72mila miliardi di dollari, i danni climatici aggiuntivi causati dal rilascio in atmosfera del solo metano intrappolato nell’Artico siberiano orientale potrebbero arrivare a 60mila miliardi di dollari.

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Arctic methane ‘time bomb’ could have huge economic costs

Arctic methane ‘time bomb’ could have huge economic costs

Scientists say that the release of large amounts of methane from thawing permafrost in the Arctic could have huge economic impacts for the world. The researchers estimate that the climate effects of the release of this gas could cost $60 trillion (£39 trillion), roughly the size of the global economy in 2012. The impacts are most likely to be felt in developing countries they say.

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Trading Halt Shows UN Carbon System in Jeopardy: Energy Markets

Trading Halt Shows UN Carbon System in Jeopardy: Energy Markets

An unprecedented freeze in United Nations carbon trading is fanning speculation the five-year-old market designed to combat greenhouse-gas emissions in poor countries is in danger of becoming superfluous.

Not a single UN Certified Emission Reduction, or CER, changed hands on July 22 and July 23, according to data from ICE Futures Europe, keeping the market on course for the lowest monthly aggregate volume since March 2008. The 14.3 million tons of offsets bought and sold this month compares with the record 211 million tons traded in October and an average 52 million over the past 12 months.

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Green Growth – overcoming India’s environment challenges to promote development

Green Growth – overcoming India’s environment challenges to promote development

Towards a Green India
  • Although the past decade of rapid economic growth has brought many benefits to India, the environment has suffered, exposing the population serious air and water pollution.
  • A new report finds that environmental degradation costs India $80 billion per year or 5.7% of its economy.
  • Green growth strategies are needed promote sustainable growth and to break the pattern of environmental degradation and natural resource depletion. Emission reductions can be achieved with minimal cost to GDP.
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