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Conference “Nuclear power and the future of energy: what changes after Fukushima and on the eve of the referendum


Center for a Sustainable Future
Institute of European Democrats
Center for American Progress

Nuclear power and the future of energy: What will change after Fukushima and on the eve of the referendum?

Rome, June 7, 2011 hours 9:30 to 13:00
Sala Mappamondo – Chamber of Deputies


9:30 am Registration

10.00 Start

New international developments

Japan after Fukushima
Hirotami Murakoshi, MP, Special Commission on Fukushima, Tokyo

Terrorist threats: risks and prevention
Stefano Casertano, Professor of Energy Policy, University of Potsdam, Germany

The program of stress tests on plants in Europe
Luigi Paganetto, President of the Foundation Economia Tor Vergata

The outlook in Italy

Flavio Cattaneo, Terna CEO
Marzio Galeotti, Professor, Economics of Environment and Energy, University of Milan
Simone Mori, General Manager Environment and Adjustment at ENEL
Giuseppe Onufrio, Director of Greenpeace Italy

The policy choices towards the June 12th  – 13th  referendum

Francesco Rutelli, President of the Center for a Sustainable Future
Stefano Saglia, Undersecretary of Energy, italian government
Parliamentarians – members of the Center for a Sustainable Future:
Pier Ferdinando Casini, Roberto Della Seta, Stefano De Lillo, Fabio Granata, Maurizio Lupi, Marianna Madia, Ermete Realacci, Gianni Vernetti, Santo Versace

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Conference “After Durban, towards the Rio +20 Summit: Climate can still be saved?”


In Rome, December 15th, a conference sponsored by the Foundation Center for a Sustainable Future entitled: “After Durban, towards the Rio +20 Summit: Climate can still be saved?” took place. An initiative set in the aftermath of conclusion of the controversial Summit held in Durban as an opportunity to discuss about the “Roadmap 2050”, which is the political commitment to a true revival of policies for a sustainable development, through the implementation of a roadmap towards a low-carbon economy. The conference was coordinated by Mr Francesco Rutelli, President of the Foundation and was attended by the Minister of Environment, Corrado Clini, Hon. Mario Pirillo, rapporteur of the report “Roadmap 2050” at the European Parliament’s Industry Committee, and Prof. Alessandro Lanza and Marzio Galeotti, Professor of Economics of Environment and Energy University of Milan, members of the Scientific Committee of the Center for a Sustainable Future. Finally, Eng. Carlo Manna gave his contribution with the vision of ENEA. A few days after the conclusion of the Seventeenth Conference of the Parties (COP17) in Durban, which was attended by delegates and government representatives from nearly 200 countries, the conference discussed on what has been defined, according to many, an “avoided failure”. “It seems like nothing, but it’s a great deal if you look at the history of negotiations” on climate change, minister Clini said, emphasizing the active role played by the European Union in the achievement of that outcome. “The agreement that has managed to snatch last minute to large emitters such as the U.S., China and India with the formula” a not binding agreement to reach a binding agreement “recounts much of the difficulty of the negotiations,” according to Prof. Galeotti and Lanza. “It should never be forgotten that the climate change negotiation is inherently very complex for several reasons. The first: the danger is clearly outside the scope of any election administration”. The Durban Conference has resulted in a platform that will initiate a negotiation that shall lead to the signing of a global, legally binding, treaty for reducing emissions of greenhouse gases by 2015, which will become operational by 2020. The form has not been defined: it could be a protocol, another legal instrument or another implementation tool, but with legal value for all UNFCCC’s 194 countries, and not only for industrialized countries. It is obvious at this point the reason why several environmental organizations have recorded this result as a failure, by reading the “time extension” as the cornerstone of the agreement. It is now known that the Kyoto Protocol is not the appropriate instrument to tackle climate change, but it was decided to keep it alive by being the only international structure to be used “as a bridge to reach an agreement in 2015,” according to the Minister of ‘ Environment, Clini. It is anticipated, however, that Russia, Canada, Japan and the U.S. are out of the second phase of Kyoto. A ‘Green Climate Fund’ has also been launched, as a financial institution of the UNFCCC with legal personality and capacity, but how it will be funded has not been decided, as per the context of a deep global economic crisis. The Durban Summit was important not only from the environmental point of view but also from the geopolitical one. In fact, it has shifted the balance based on the relationships Europe – U.S. and U.S. – China in favor of large emerging economies and Europe. For the first time China, India, Brazil, Mexico and South Africa have embarked on a partnership with Europe in an alliance for the development and commercial deployment of technologies to reduce CO2 emissions and to protect natural resources and forestry. This dialogue will focus on internal policies that these economies have already started. The self-exclusion of the United States as a potential key player during the conference is consistent with the choices of Washington made in the last fifteen years, exacerbated by concerns about the upcoming elections. The possibility that the United States are left over is very high. From the conference, important considerations emerged, regarding the central role of the European Union in these negotiations and in the Roadmap 2050, the next phase of the actual Climate and Energy Package known as “20 – 20 – 20”, which pursues the decarbonisation of a 80-95% carbon emissions compared to 1990 levels of the economy, and the new challenges that await Italy. Reference was made to the importance of a “energy taxation” and therefore the need to carry on early revision of the EU directive on this issue, the possibility of ‘pave the way for a carbon tax’, the conversion to a ‘green’ chemistry and to be able to reduce Italian debt “maybe” also thanks to resources deriving from auctioning emission permits for CO2. If it is true that after the Durban Summit climate it is not yet saved, it is equally true that this is subject to negotiation, thanks to COP17.

It is now time to prepare the stage for Rio +20 in Brazil next year, which will be a first step towards a global agreement been finally effective.

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Climate, Energy, Environment: How to build a New Global Deal


Rome,June 23 – 2010
Sala Zuccari, Palazzo Giustiniani – Senate of the Italian Republic

h.14 registration
h.14.30 introductory remarks
Francesco Rutelli,  President – Centro per un Futuro Sostenibile

h.14.50 Welcome address
Emma Bonino, Vicepresident Senate of the Italian Republic

h.15 “How to relaunch the global negotiate after Copenhagen?”
Gianni Vernetti, MP, Committee of Parliamentarians CFS

  • Rubens Harry Born, Executive Director Vitae Civilis – Institute for Development, Environment and Peace, San Paolo
  • Jiahua Pan, Executive Director, Research Center for Sustainable Development, Beijing.
  • Leena Srivastava, Executive Director, The Energy and Resources Institute, New Delhi
  • Jake Caldweel, Director of Policy for Energy , Center for American Progress, Washington D.C.

Franco Frattini, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Italy

h.16.10 keynote speech
Mohamad Nasheed, President of the Republic of Maldives

“Did the international economic crisis delete Climate Change from the agenda?”
Fabio Granata, MP, Committee of Parliamentarians CFS

Vittorio Prodi, MPE, Committee on the Environment

  • Sergio Castellari, Euro-Mediterranean Center for Climate Change
  • Roberto Della Seta, MP. Committee of Parliamentarians CFS
  • Marzio Galeotti,  Senior Lecturer, Economics of Environment and Energy, University of Milan
  • Luigi Paganetto, President, Fondazione Economia, Tor Vergata University
  • Clara Poletti, Director IEFE Bocconi University, Milan
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International Conference: Growing and greening the Economy – New Ideas for G8 and Copenhagen Summits


Rome, 18 May 2009

Sala della Lupa
Camera dei Deputati – Italian Parlamient


h.9,00 Registration
h. 9,45 Introductiory remarks – Francesco Rutelli, President, Centro per un Futuro Sostenibile

CBriding the GAP between Developed and Developing World.
Chair: Gianni Vernetti, MP

  • Christine Loh, CEO, Civic Exchange, Hong Kong
  • Jlahua Pan, Executive Director, Research Center for Sustainable Development, Beijing, People Republic of China
  • Leena Srivastava, Executive Director,  The Energy and resources Institute”, Delhi. India
  • Harunobu Yonenaga, MP, Head of Environment Dpt, Democratic Party of Japan.

The Italian perspectives: from the G8 to the Copenhagen Summit
Chair: Fabio granata, MP

  • Stefania Prestigiacomo, Minister for the Environment, Italy
  • Vittorio Prodi, MEP, member of the EP Committees
  • Paolo Scaroni, CEO Eni
  • Roberto Della Seta, MP
  • Marzio Galeotti, Filippo Giorgi, Alessandro Lanza, Scientific Committee, Centro per un Futuro Sostenibile

Keynote Address: ” The New Politics of  Climate Change” 
Anthony Giddens, Former Director London School of Economics

h. 12,20
“New Engines of Growth: Towards a Green New Deal”
Chair: Matt Browne, Senior Fellow and Director of Global Progress Program, Center for American Progress

  • Matthew Lockwood, Senior Research Fellow Climate Change, Institute for Public Policy Research Center for American Progress
  • Jack Caldwell, Director of Policy for Energy, Center or American Progress, USA
  • Ralf Fücks, President Heinrich Boll Foundation, Berlin




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L’Agenda per il Clima di Obama

Obama il 25 giugno  presenterà un piano nazionale per ridurre le emissioni di CO2, preparare gli USA all’impatto dei cambiamenti climatici e guidare gli sforzi globali per combatterli.


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State and Trends of Carbon Markets 2012 – Report Banca Mondiale

State and Trends of Carbon Markets 2012 – Report Banca Mondiale

Il rapporto 2012 non calcola il valore o la dimensione del mercato globale come ha fatto negli anni precedenti.

Invece, rappresenta un “one-stop shop” per i dettagli e l’analisi di tutti i  sistemi,  attuali e nuovi, di emission trading e dellle carbon tax in  tutto il mondo.

La relazione del 2012 descrive un mercato del carbonio che è cresciuto in valore totale del 11% nel 2011, a 176 miliardi dollari, e in cui il volume delle transazioni ha raggiunto un nuovo record di 10,3 miliardi di tonnellate di anidride carbonica equivalente (CO2e).

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Centro per un Futuro Sostenibile Via degli Zingari, 15 - 00184 Roma (tel. +39 06.87570009)