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4 ways smart cities will make our lives better

4 ways smart cities will make our lives better

As demonstrated in a new report, the rapid and pervasive development of digital technologies, along with an understanding of circular economy principles, will drastically change life for the average urban citizen much sooner than we think. The circular economy is a concept by which materials and products are kept at their highest possible value at all times.

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Smart city: i metodi per capire quanto sono “green”

Smart city: i metodi per capire quanto sono “green”

Uno studio della Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California pubblicato sul giornale Ecological Indicators, ha scelto 33 indicatori per stabilire quanto sia green una città e capire quanto si avvicina alla definizione di “smart city”. La loro proposta sceglieva di misurare la quota di energie rinnovabili utilizzata ed acquistata ogni giorno, il numero di viaggi effettuati ogni giorno sui mezzi pubblici e la concentrazione di inquinanti atmosferici.

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Voyage au coeur des villes de demain

Voyage au coeur des villes de demain

Aujourd’hui, près de la moitié des habitants sur Terre – soit quelque 3 milliards – vivent dans les villes. En 2050, ils seront 6 milliards. Chaque semaine, un million de personnes viennent s’installer dans ces grandes cités qui occupent seulement 2 % de la surface de la planète, mais qui représentent tout de même 75 % de la consommation énergétique mondiale. Très prochainement, ces métropoles vont devoir faire face à des enjeux majeurs si elles veulent continuer à accueillir et à satisfaire leurs populations.

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Smart Cities Lead To Smarter Citizens

Smart Cities Lead To Smarter Citizens

The vibrant city of Shanghai, China, was certainly an appropriate venue to host the recent Smart City China Expo & Congress, the most influential smart city forum in China. Sponsored by the China Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, smart city experts joined representatives from nearly 200 national smart city pilot projects and more than 200 international investment and financial companies, along with leading government visionaries, with the goal of sharing new ideas on every aspect of smart city development.

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Un mondo di smart city: stimati investimenti per 174 miliardi di dollari nel 2023

Un mondo di smart city: stimati investimenti per 174 miliardi di dollari nel 2023

Maggiore efficienza e città “più intelligenti”. Vanno in questa direzione centinaia di progetti “smart” che stanno prendendo vita. Da sola Milano finora ne ha promossi 70, per un valore complessivo di oltre 200 milioni di euro di investimenti. Questo le ha permesso in soli tre anni di scalare la classifica dell’indice ICityrate (che mette a confronto 106 capoluoghi di provincia in base a 70 indicatori), passando dal 5° al primo posto nel 2014. Più in generale, il mercato mondiale delle tecnologie intelligenti potrebbe triplicare il proprio valore nei prossimi nove anni.

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Smart Cities Should Mean Sharing Cities

Smart Cities Should Mean Sharing Cities

When mayors and developers focus on technology rather than people, smart quickly becomes stupid These days every city claims to be a “smart” city, or is becoming one, with heavy investments in modern information and computing technology to attract businesses and make the city competitive. But when mayors and developers focus on technology rather than people, smart quickly becomes stupid, threatening to exacerbate inequality and undermine the social cooperation essential to successful cities. After researching leading cities around the world, we’ve concluded that truly smart cities will be those that deploy modern technology in building a new urban commons to support communal sharing.

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