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Fukushima, nuova fuoriuscita di acqua radioattiva

Fukushima, nuova fuoriuscita di acqua radioattiva

Nuova perdita di acqua radioattiva all’impianto nucleare Daiichi di Fukushima, teatro del gravissimo incidente innescato dal terremoto e lo tsunami del marzo 2011. Secondo quanto ha riferito nella notte la Tepco, la società che gestisce la centrale, l’acqua fuoriuscita da un serbatoio potrebbe essersi riversata nell’oceano Pacifico.

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Iran Takes Control of Russian Built Nuclear Power Plant

Iran Takes Control of Russian Built Nuclear Power Plant

With news of a potential meeting between U.S. President Barack Obama and his newly-elected Iranian counterpart President Hassan Rouhani raising hopes that the stalemate over Iran’s nuclear program might finally come to an end, Russia has handed over control of Iran’s single nuclear power plant to domestic specialists. 

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Fukushima, il governo giapponese si assumerà responsabilità dirette. Merito delle Olimpiadi 2020?

Fukushima, il governo giapponese si assumerà responsabilità dirette. Merito delle Olimpiadi 2020?

Viva le Olimpiadi! Bisogna probabilmente ringraziare i Giochi Olimpici se il governo giapponese ha finalmente deciso di non lasciare alla sola società di gestione Tepco la responsabilità di risolvere i perduranti problemi della centrale nucleare di Fukushima Daiichi: il premier Shinzo Abe e alcuni suoi collaboratori hanno promesso che l’esecutivo prenderà misure organiche per affrontare e risolvere una situazione tornata al limite dell’emergenza.

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Chinese seek greater say in UK nuclear plants

Chinese seek greater say in UK nuclear plants

The state-owned Chinese nuclear group that is in talks to invest in Britain’s new nuclear programme wants greater operational control of any new plants it finances, potentially creating a national security headache for the government.

China General Nuclear Power Group (CGN), is in talks with EDF of France on sharing the cost of building a new plant at Hinkley Point, Somerset, which has an estimated price tag of £14bn.

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Japan moves closer to restarting nuclear reactors

Japan moves closer to restarting nuclear reactors

Japan has moved a step closer to restarting nuclear reactors, with four utility companies applying for safety inspections of 10 idled plants, the clearest sign of a return to atomic energy almost two and a half years after the Fukushima disaster.

With all but two of the country’s 50 reactors offline since a tsunami swept through the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant in March 2011, Japan has been almost without nuclear energy that once supplied about a third of its power.

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