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Cambiamenti climatici, la percezione degli europei

Cambiamenti climatici, la percezione degli europei

di Carlo Carraro

L’Eurobarometro ha pubblicato la scorsa settimana un sondaggio speciale che indaga la percezione degli europei nei confronti del tema dei cambiamenti climatici. Il rapporto, che segue le indagini condotte allo stesso scopo nel 2008, 2009 e 2011, è stato prodotto grazie alle interviste fatte a 27.919 rispondenti di diversi gruppi sociodemografici, distribuiti nei 28 Paesi Membri dell’Unione Europea. Gli intervistati sono stati invitati a svelare la loro percezione del problema dei cambiamenti climatici e la loro opinione sulle responsabilità nell’affrontarli, ad indicare le azioni da loro messe in atto quotidianamente per combatterli e a comunicare le loro idee riguardo al ruolo delle istituzioni pubbliche nel campo della mitigazione. 

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China tells rich to do more to lead fight against climate change

China tells rich to do more to lead fight against climate change

China, the top greenhouse gas emitter, urged rich nations on Thursday to do more to lead the fight against climate change and help avert heatwaves, floods and rising sea levels. In a submission to the United Nations before a March 10-14 meeting of governments in Germany, Beijing called on developed countries to make deeper cuts in greenhouse gas emissions and increase aid to help the poor tackle global warming. They should “take the lead”, it said in a document that highlighted its deep differences with the United States despite promises of greater cooperation between the two biggest emitters of greenhouse gases. 

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Vision Prize: scientists are worried the IPCC is underestimating sea level rise

Vision Prize: scientists are worried the IPCC is underestimating sea level rise

The survey results also show the change in the IPCC estimated climate sensitivity range is not at all reassuring. The Vision Prize is an online survey of scientists about climate risk. It’s an impartial and independent research platform for incentivized polling of experts on important scientific issues that are relevant to policymakers. Some of their previous survey results have found that about 90 percent of participating scientists believe that humans are the primary cause of global warming over the past 250 years.

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UK floods: in defence of the Environment Agency

UK floods: in defence of the Environment Agency

The flooding crisis has shone a spotlight on much that the government would prefer to remain hidden – not least the coalition’s quiet slashing of the Environment Agency budget. Despite advice in the wake of the 2007 floods to increase expenditure on flood defences, the government relied on its traditional mistrust of the public sector and the experts within it, and used the blunt instrument of cash limits. Prime minister David Cameron said money would be “no object” to dealing with the immediate impact of the floods and has finally announced that specialist flood defence jobs will not be cut in the short term.

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Extreme Weather in parts of the world

Extreme Weather in parts of the world

Parts of the world have witnessed a series of extreme weather conditions in the first six weeks of 2014, continuing a pattern that was set in December 2013. Much of the United States of America has experienced cold waves and major winter storms, whilst California remains gripped by drought. The United Kingdom has seen its wettest December-January period on record, with severe, widespread and prolonged flooding. A combination of strong winds, storms and high tides caused damage and flooding in other coastal areas of Europe. There has been unusually heavy snowfall in the southern Alps. 

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