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L’Europa può essere ancora un attore globale nella lotta al cambiamento climatico?

L’Europa può essere ancora un attore globale nella lotta al cambiamento climatico?

“L’Europa può essere ancora un attore globale nella lotta al cambiamento climatico?”. E’ questo il titolo del dibattito Green previsto per lunedì 2 dicembre ore 12.00 presso Palazzo Incontro, Libreria Fandango, via dei Prefetti,22, organizzato dal Partito Democratico Europeo. Il dibattito sarà preceduto dall’inaugurazione della mostra “Dark Green; Bright Green”. 

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Il papocchio ovvero l’Annus horribilis del negoziato sul clima

Il papocchio ovvero l’Annus horribilis del negoziato sul clima

di Alessandro Lanza

La Conferenza sul Clima di Varsavia si è chiusa sabato 23 novembre con un ritardo di quasi 24 ore che, considerando i risultati acquisiti, può tranquillamente definirsi ingiustificato. È stata la 19^ conferenza dei Paesi che hanno aderito alla convenzione sui cambiamenti climatici (COP19) con l’obiettivo ancora riaffermato, teoricamente, di arrivare alla definizione di un nuovo protocollo che dovrà essere firmato durante 21^ conferenza, che sarà ospitata a Parigi nel 2015.

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Just 90 companies caused two-thirds of man-made global warming emissions

Just 90 companies caused two-thirds of man-made global warming emissions

The climate crisis of the 21st century has been caused largely by just 90 companies, which between them produced nearly two-thirds of the greenhouse gas emissions generated since the dawning of the industrial age, new research suggests. The companies range from investor-owned firms – household names such as Chevron, Exxon and BP – to state-owned and government-run firms.

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Majority of red-state Americans believe climate change is real, study shows

Majority of red-state Americans believe climate change is real, study shows

A vast majority of red-state Americans believe climate change is real and at least two-thirds of those want the government to cut greenhouse gas emissions, new research revealed on Wednesday. The research, by Stanford University social psychologist Jon Krosnick, confounds the conventional wisdom of climate denial as a central pillar of Republican politics, and practically an article of faith for Tea Party conservatives.

Instead, the findings suggest far-reaching acceptance that climate change is indeed occurring and is caused by human activities, even in such reliably red states as Texas and Oklahoma. “To me, the most striking finding that is new today was that we could not find a single state in the country where climate scepticism was in the majority,” Krosnick said in an interview.

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Greenhouse gases rise to record, will drive climate change, world body says

Greenhouse gases rise to record, will drive climate change, world body says

Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are rising at an accelerating pace to record levels, a trend that will drive climate change and endanger future generations, according to the World Meteorological Organisation. Carbon dioxide, the most important greenhouse gas linked to fossil fuel burning and deforestation, rose by an average of 2.2 parts per million (ppm) in 2012 to 393.1. That increase compared with 1.5 ppm in the 1990s and 2 ppm in the past decade, and brings atmospheric levels to 41 per cent more than pre-industrial times, the WMO said in its annual Greenhouse Gas Bulletin.

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